Holidays approaching

We all know Easter is on it's way. But what do you do exercise wise? Check out pae 13 of the Armidale Independent. I give you some great advice on how to get through that Easter break without derailing your health and fitness goals. Click here to go to the site Remember the … [Read more...]

Great Fitness Career Opportunity

If you are serioue about going further in the fitness industry and have a few basic fitness skills and the neccesary certifications then click HERE. We would love to here your story and see if you are Gym Ridz Personal Training material. … [Read more...]

Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals For Real Success

Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals For Real Success It looks so easy on television. Turn on shows like “The Biggest Loser” and you literally see people shed kilos right before your eyes. They make it look so easy that getting into shape and losing weight is now in style. While this is a great trend, don’t let the cameras, lights and action fool you. Dropping kilos and keeping them off requires … [Read more...]

Tips for New Years resolutions

Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution Losing weight; it’s the quintessential New Year’s resolution. Chances are if you made the weight-loss resolution this year, you are scrambling right now trying to figure out how to make it stick – or maybe how to start it. Relax! There are ways to make sure your promise to yourself is kept. You might need to take a step back and evaluate what you … [Read more...]

It feels really good to say I am a fit and healthy person!

Anne Maree has now lost over 10 kg!! And she is keeping it off! When I started training with Gym Ridz in September 2009, I weighed 85.4kgs and was extremely unfit. I had tried all kinds of fad diets which had left me disillusioned and feeling like I was destined to be fat. I rarely exercised and ate a lot of carbohydrate heavy meals which left me constantly tired and without energy.I … [Read more...]

Recent article on Armidale PUC

Here is the most recent write up for PUC I am still blown away by everyone's efforts and contributions. … [Read more...]


Well what a day on Saturday. Push Ups for Charity Armidale was sensational. Sam Brown punched out 95 for the men and Del Smidt led the women with 72. Melissa Jubb was absolutely on fire raising in excess of $3,000.00 through her pledges. I expect once all the money comes in from the pledges that we should double our $5,000.00 goal. I must say to all involved that it was a massive … [Read more...]

PUC article

Here is a link to the latest article on PUC. We are gaining some real momentum coming up to the event. It would be great to see you all there on Saturday to Push Up or just to cheer everyone on. We are well and truly on our way to the $5000 target. With a couple of days to go I know that everyone is really Pushing (pun intended) to get even more sponsors and get us over the … [Read more...]

Push Ups for Charity coverage and support

This is some coverage we have gottten for Push Ups for Charity. We are well on our way to our goal of 20 participants. That does not mean don't register if you haven't!!! We are going to have some great fun with this event. There will be a bit of an after party and some celebrations to reward everyone's achievements. Remember every cent raised goes to Make A Wish! … [Read more...]

Pushups For Charity event

Well everyone the event is set down for Saturday 27th November. We will kick off at 10:32 am and get into it. It will be in the NEGS MPC. You will all have to get busy getting sponsors and practicing pushups. But I know you can all do it. You should know that absolutely every cent rasied by the 50 or so fitness business owners will go to Make a Wish Australia. This event is such a … [Read more...]